According to Charaka Samhita; Chitrakmool is the best amongst the Ayurveda herbs which ignite digestive fire, ensure proper digestion and assimilation; edema in anal region and pain associated with hemorrhoids. Astanga Hrudya says; if a person takes Chitrakmool powder with Ghruta/ Ghruta + Honey / milk/ water for at least one month; He will live a healthy life for hundred years. Chitrakmool powder should be taken with Takra (Indian butter milk) to get rid of hemorrhoids and other disorders of anal region.
Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica )
80.00 – 330.00
According to Charaka Samhita; Chitrakmool is the best amongst the Ayurveda herbs which ignite digestive fire, ensure proper digestion and assimilation; edema in anal region and pain associated with hemorrhoids. Astanga Hrudya says; if a person takes Chitrakmool powder with Ghruta/ Ghruta + Honey / milk/ water for at least one month; He will live a healthy life for hundred years. Chitrakmool powder should be taken with Takra (Indian butter milk) to get rid of hemorrhoids and other disorders of anal region.
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