Dr. Darshan Desai, MD Ayurveda

Chief Medical Officer

After passing BAMS 2001 ,heStood 2nd in all india merit at Hydrabad and 7th At Trivandrum Kerela, finally got selected at Mumbai Government aided Ayurveda college and hospital At Marine lines , University of Mumbai.where In 2006 received MD , Doctorate of Ayurveda medicinefrom University of Mumbai and In 2009. He got specialisation in Dip. Skin, Trichology, Nutrition from Tulip academy mumbsi affiliate to(GCTA Australia) .
As Authentic Ayurveda flows from Guru shishya parampara system , right
From 2001 He started his clinicaltraining from Guru shishya school of Shri.Vaidya Samir Jamadagni , Pune, India , one of best Ayurveda doctor in world , for Pulse diagnosis, Panchakarma, evidence based formulations and pharmaceutics (medicine manufacturing)

Academic Summary :

• MD (Master of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery):University of Mumbai
• Health care Business Management :  Symbiosis ,Pune
• BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) : University of Mumbai
• Diploma Nutrition           :  (GCTA, Australia)
• Diploma Skin Aesthetics :  (GCTA, Australia)
• Diploma Trichology (Hair Expert ) :  (GCTA, Australia)
• R.M.A.P.  (Register Master Ayurvedic Practioner)  : AAPNA (USA)
• Member of Europe Ayurveda academy

Skills :

A) Practicing since 2001 ,18 years of experience and Clinical Excellence in management of various chronic diseases, disease where currently modern science is struggling to help patient ,
He is  using pure ayurvedic diagnostic test, modern research , panchakarma, ayurvedic food medicines, yoga , 4 pillars of treatment . His formulation are evidence based and tried and tested for more than 50 years in Guri shishya parampara “Vishwamrut family” ,  which had  helpwd more than 100000patient in india and across the globe.

He did research in filed of side effects of chemotherapy and its management with ayurvedic treatment protocol in cancer patients during his Doctorate of medicine.

During his Clinical excellence through traditional GURU –Shishya traditional knowledge transfer form Vaidya Shri Jamadagni Sir  saw more than 25000 sucefully treated with uniue ayurvedic formulation and panchakarma therapy  ,

He was pioneres in launching first tele medicine in the field of Ayurveda,thru “hello doctor talk show” where he has satisfactory counsel answered queries of more than 50,000 patient from India.
More than 50 lac patient questions satisfactorily answered.

He specializes in treatment of Joint pain, Diabetes, Skin disease -Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Blockages, Liver disease, Arthritis, Female obesity, Varicose vein, Thyroid, Piles, Pain management, Epilepsy, Lungs disease. Fibroids, Pcod,  DNS, Hair loss,

B ) He is now working in field of Psoriasis and Vitiligo where there are less treatment option poor and slow result , he  with team of renowned vaidy who has 30 years of evidence based legacy in helping psoriasis and vitiligo patient with  fast acting  and easy to follow Ayurvedic medicines protocol. More than 2000 vitiligo and 100 Psoriasis successfully treated.

He has been invited as Keynote speaker in International Ayurveda conference SanJose, California in 2015, and Rhoad island,  USA in 2016,
He is member of Europe Ayurveda academy, and Ayurveda association of North America ,USA

He is visiting consultant and partner with Ayurveda living treatment center , Portland, Oregon.USA and Sweden,Europe.

Represented Arab health 2014 and 2015 at Dubai,UAE.

He has been awarded gold medal by Naturon healthcare for his work on the field of telemedicine .

He has been invited as Panel Doctor for Television show” Hello Doctor” on various health topic.

Clinical Skills :

Nath Samprday Pathiya Nadi Pariksha (Disciple of Vaidya Shri Jamadagni Sir, Vishwamrut Family)

Skin and Hair :  Skin Esthetics procedures, FUET hair transplants, works closely with renowned Dermatologist Dr Shankar sawant., Ex HOD Nair Hospital Mumbai.

Panchakarma ( Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Leech therapy, Nasya), Agnikarma Kerela Ayurveda Green Gram.

Clinical Experience :

• Smt.K.G.Mital Ayurveda hospital, charni road Mumbai  for 3 years as OPD Dr.
• G.T.hospital ,Mumbai causality department s as Intern
• Dahanu cottage hospital, as Intern
• Doctor Nature chain of Ayurvedic centre, Mumbai – 4 Year as Chief consulting Dr.
• AyuMD Clinic yoga Panchakarma Studio initiative of Viswakirti  , last 18years as Chief consulting physician

Educational Experience :

Associate Professor, 14 years of academic experience teaching basic principle of Ayurveda as visiting lecturer leading Ayurvedic medical college, abd hospital India.
He plays mentors to start ups , Ayurveda students and new practitioner, he has online offline mentoring session and memberships to help students across globe.

Mission :

Mission is to propagate ayurvedic living with innovative solutions/products that are palatable and appealing for today’s generations and generation to come. He strongly believes that Ayurvedic medicines is the future of medicine in world.