

AyuMD is an Indian Ayurvedic Start up by group of young ayurvedacharya, whose Passion is“amazing Ayurveda science”we intend to spread awareness about Ayurveda an Indian system of medicine ISM across globe , not many know that Ayurveda has super speciality MD Doctorate of medicine. Currently ‘Ayurveda’ known to people is in very nascent stage, there is lot more awareness is required across communities.

At AyuMD we believe its our responsibility to break myths about Ayurveda and brings forwardfacts to community. When it comes to healing patients, We believe there is no single formula, or one super herb fit for all disease, each disease starts with unique
cause and spreads in its unique way in human body. This is the reason why personalised dynamic ayurvedic treatment protocols (PDATP) required from experienced MD professionals.

Ayurveda is one of few medical sciences which acknowledges this and one of first in the world to bring personalised dynamic treatment protocol for management of disease.

There is growing curiosity to learn Ayurveda globally but unfortunately education in Ayurveda is limited to “Vata Pita and Kapha Dosha”, AyuMD Ayurvedic education initiative is to teach practical aspect of Ayurveda which can be understood by people from 10+2 pattern background (Physics+ Chemistry+ Biology). AyuMD academy provides learners program to “Guru Shishya Mentoring” for professionals who want learn and experience fast acting successful Ayurveda.

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AyuMD clinic has the capability of expansion and to take on major volumes of patients while maintaining effective guidance and patient satisfaction. I have an energetic and passionate team of young professionals, with good academic and clinical practice background.

I understand that being a professional I am accountable to each of my esteemed patient and therefore I can be reached round the clock through phone, mail, & video conferencing, so that you are never left alone with your health issues. I intend to provide a high level of professional and personal service that you will find at par with international level.

I entered the medicine field to pursue my childhood dream of becoming a doctor, to seek best health for those who are deprived of the same because of economic, social and ignorance.

In the year 2001, I completed my Bachelor of Ayurveda medicine and surgery  from Mumbai University and Diploma in Healthcare Management from Symbiosis Institute of Management ,Pune. Then in 2003 i got selected in 3 National level entrance test  Kerela , Hyderabad and Maharashtra state for MD Ayurveda medicine post graduation degree, In 2006 i successfully completed my Doctorate of Ayurveda medicine MD from University of Mumbai with Research in “Management of side effects of chemotherapy with Rasayana chikitsa .”

Today I have a full-fledge plush Clinic, Panchakarma Yoga Studio, residential hospital facility,  qualified & competent team, who can face any Clinical challenges.

I am visiting consultant to various hospitals and healthcare centres across Mumbai, Gujrat, UAE ,US and EU.

‎I Believe that my education & life experience helps me to communicate better with my patient as well provide better quality of life  and seek relief from disease.  My knowledge, dedication & clinical skills makes me one of best in my area of practice and the wise choice for my patient.

In my long career, I have successfully helped not only patients but also corporate on various aspects of formulation diagnostic , education, research , training, International collaborations. Brands like Keshamrut, Sandu , Talwalkars , Lamar , Hind prasar bharti.

I am the perfect combination of passion & profession, doing what I was meant to do.

Purification and preventive medicine:

One of the key areas of my medical practice is preventive and purification medicine. I advice my patient on how to smartly purify body with help of medicine atleast once a year to prevent lifestyle diseases .i believe with help of regular smart body purification Panchakarma we can reduce health expenses upto 80% .

Skin and Hair :

My expertise lies in psoriasis and vitiligo skin disorders and various types of other skin diseases,hair loss ,early greying,dandruff . Fast acting successfull results have been seen in more than 2000 skin patient , we have been conducting monthly camps providing free consultations and advice for psoriasis and Vitiligo patient.

Pain Management :

I have vast & unique experience in handling body pain joint pain ,helps patientin faster recovery post injury and ease of mobility for elderly patient, we have successfully preventedundue knee replacement surgery , with help of Panchakarma Yoga and Physiotherapy. We believe pain does not require painkillers it need instant side effect freepain management . thru our innovative Agnikarma treatment we have been able to provide instant pain relief.

Diabetes and lifestyle diseases management:

I have good experience in understanding lifestyle diseases like diabetes , heart disease, weight gain, menstrual disease, sleep disorders, thyroid , constipation association.lifestyle diseases require contant motivation and support.
Thru dynamic medicinemodel we have been successfull in reliving dependency on chemical compound causing severe side effects to Kidneys Gut heart eyes skin brain like vital organs.

Clinical experience of 18 years
I have successfully answered more than3 lac patient questions thru online telephonic and personal consultations.[/read]