“स्वस्थ ओजस” फिर से भरना सीखें! ओजस शरीर में एक मात्रात्मक तरल है, जो समग्र रूप से जिम्मेदार है हमारे स्वास्थ्य, ऊर्जा और आजीविका के लिए । यह मानसिक और शारीरिक दोनों स्वास्थ का कारक। ओजस का निर्माण करने वाली गतिविधियाँ दूसरों को हंसाना और प्यार करना कई गतिविधियों में से दो हैं जो हमारे […]
Author Archives: Dr.Darshan Desai,MD Ayurveda
जरा सोचिये क्या होगा अगर शरीर में एक विशेष पदार्थ हो जो उम्र बढ़ने से रोके, व्याधीप्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाये, उज्ज्वल त्वचा, ताक़त, अच्छा मूड, सुखद नींद, मजबूत पाचन, आध्यात्मिकता और शारीरिक शक्ति को नियंत्रित करता हो? …………………………………………… आयुर्वेद के अनुसार है। ओज इस पदार्थ को ओजस (OH-jas) कहा जाता है। संस्कृत में, ओजस के दो प्रमुख […]
आज योग आवश्यकतानुसार उपलब्ध है, जैसे शक्ति योग, नृत्य योग, एरोबिक योग लेकिन परंपरागत रूप से, योग एक वैदिक गुरु (शिक्षक) द्वारा परिवार को सिखाया जाता था जिसका काम बच्चों को वैदिक जीवन शैली के तरीके को सिखाना था। इस पाठ्यक्रम में योग, प्राणायाम और ध्यान विधियों को शामिल किया गया था, लेकिन वैदिक योग […]
આજે, યોગ જરૂરીયાત પ્રમાણે ઉપલબ્ધ છે, જેમ કે પાવર યોગ,ડાંસ યોગ,એરોબિક યોગ પરંતુ પરંપરાગત રીતે, યોગ વૈદિક ગુરુ (શિક્ષક) દ્વારા કુટુંબને સૂચવવામાં આવતું હતું, જેનું કામ બાળકોને વૈદિક જીવનશૈલીના માર્ગ શીખવવાનું હતું. આમાં અલબત્ત યોગ, શ્વાસ અને ધ્યાનની પદ્ધતિઓ શામેલ છે, પરંતુ વૈદિક યોગ જ્ઞાન સાથે ઘણું બીજુ બધુ પણ શીખવાનું રેહતું જેમકે વ્યવસાય, લગ્ન […]
[bookly-form category_id=”2″ service_id=”2″ staff_member_id=”1″]Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. lets learn about vitiligo and and its ayurvedic treatment Similar patches also appear on both the […]
Psoriasis is the situation where the people face the problem of huge growth of skin cells which creates troubles. These skin cells will lead it to the plaque-like deposits on the skin. Ayurveda is one of the best and effective ways to treat Psoriasis along with the skin diseases. What is Psoriasis? Ayurveda terms Psoriasis as […]
Vitiligo, often known as leukoderma, is a specific kind of skin whitening disease resulting in white patches all over the skin. A gradual loss of pigment layers on the skin surface results in the patches. This type of skin disorder becomes socially challenging for sufferers. As the discoloration of the skin and the patches all […]
Psoriasis is a skin disease, which develops in men and women often during middle age and above. Although tests and researches are being carried out in various laboratories around the world, the exact cause of this condition is yet unknown. Psoriasis is not infectious. In other words, it does not spread by coming in contact with […]
You can find prescription for love. Ayurveda ancient medical science advocates food,social lifestyles habits,herbs helps strengthen love bonding in humans. Kapha dosha is the key for building love bonds in the body. Use of massage oils , food reach in madhur rasa , herbs that increase kapha dosha, and Panchakarma therapy like shirodhara can improve […]
According to Ayurveda healthy life depends on maintaining health sleep,sleep is one of the pillars of triads of Health life called ‘ Traya Upastambha’ which is Ahara (Food) ,Nindra (Sleep) ,Bramacharya (abstinence). when one of the pillars gets disturb it leads us to disease. Ayuraveda advises sleep Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by […]
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